
Today the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species released it’s first update for 2022


IUCN 2022 Red List Update

Wed, 24 Aug at 14:06

Today the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species released it’s first update for 2022 and with it 2,437 new tree species assessments were published. This brings the number of tree assessment available on the IUCN Red List to 37,411 assessments.

Using information on tree assessments from both the IUCN Red List and ThreatSearch database, we can account for assessments of 79% of the world’s tree species. Our analysis also finds that at least 29% of all tree species are threatened with extinction globally.
In this update many more tree assessments for each region have been published. With several countries (Australia, Gabon, Mexico, Panama, Papua New Guinea, and Venezuela) having more than 50 assessments published in 2022. In addition, advances were made for assessments in Colombia, Indochina, Nicaragua, and Southern Africa. Taxonomically 153 assessments in the families Lamiaceae and Lauraceae were assessed and 76 species of Annonaceae tree, along with smaller contributions from other taxonomic groups.
Following the release of the State of the World’s Trees in September 2021, the Global Tree Assessment is now in it’s second phase focusing on publishing assessments from Threat Search and the National Red List on the IUCN Red List and updating assessments for trees published before 2010. This follows the IUCN Guidelines which recommend updating assessments for a species every 5-10 years. In this update we begin to see more reassessments of species completed in 1998.


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