My 13th page... Should Trees have Standing?


Stone, Christopher D. Should Trees Have Standing? Law, Morality, and the Environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.


“Originally published in 1972, Should Trees Have Standing? was a rallying point for the then burgeoning environmental movement, launching a worldwide debate on the basic nature of legal rights that reached the U.S. Supreme Court. Now, in the thirty-fifth anniversary edition, Christopher D. Stone updates his original thesis and explores the impact his ideas have had on the courts, the academy, and society as a whole. At the heart of the book is a compelling argument that the environment should be granted legal rights.


For the new edition, Stone explores a variety of recent cases and current events—and related topics such as climate change and protecting the oceans—providing a survey of the past and glimpse at the future of the environmental movement.” (Text adapted from Oxford University Press website)




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