My 39th page... The most intellectual creatures on this planet

 "Quando digo que somos as criaturas mais intelectuais deste planeta, deliberadamente não digo que somos os mais inteligentes. Porque que espécie inteligente destruiria sistematicamente seu único lar?

 Elon Musk pode acreditar que encontrará um planeta em sua vida onde os humanos possam viver, mas não acredito que isso seja verdade. Acabamos de ter este lindo planeta que chamamos de lar. Temos que trabalhar juntos para salvá-lo."

"When I say we are the most intellectual creatures on this planet, I deliberately don't say we are the most intelligent. Because what intelligent species would systematically destroy its only home?" 

- Dr Jane Goodall, British primatologist and conservationist.⁠

On November 26, renowned British primatologist and conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall delivered a powerful talk on integrating biodiversity into corporate responsibility at the Hong Kong University.⁠

"When I say we are the most intellectual creatures on this planet, I deliberately don't say we are the most intelligent. Because what intelligent species would systematically destroy its only home?" the 90-year-old primatologist said.⁠

"Elon Musk may believe that he's going to find a planet in his lifetime where humans can live, but I don't believe that's true. We just got this one beautiful planet that we call home. We got to work together to save it," she continued.⁠

Goodall is a prominent advocate for wildlife conservation and animal welfare and founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, which promotes conservation initiatives worldwide. Her studies of chimpanzees since the early 1960s transformed the understanding of primates' behavior and human evolution, highlighting the emotional and social complexities of these animals. ⁠




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